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Hi Seb

That is interesting. I've been looking into online project management tools, and had a quick trial of Basecamp. I had looked at others, such as Convos. I really wanted something that has a history - and therefore likely to have a future! Basecamp has been around for a while, and seems very widely used, but I found it a bit on the cumbersome side? How has it worked out for you?


Rachel - to early to tell I am afraid, but by next year I'll have clearer idea.


Yes it's nifty isn't it? I've used FreeMyFeed to pull a private feed out of Twitter which I use to post quick updates on a project. The FriendFeed RSS can then deposit the Twitter feed into another password-protected location using a widget. Bish bosh!

Rachel, I'd heartily recommend Basecamp, having used it for 4 years to support numerous projects. Once you commit to using it as THE store for all project communication, and sign up for a cheap paid-for version, it quickly becomes vital and very efficient. No longer is the knowledge around a project stored in emails, heads and numerous to-do lists. Great to use with project partners and stakeholders and clients too. Huddle.net and Central Desktop are other decent contenders.

My entry into Basecamp was a desire to make sure that a project I was managing could manage without me while I took 4 weeks' paternity leave. That motivation to keep all project info visible and accessible convinced me of its value.

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